Ninja Newsletter ☕️| #17

The weekly web3 goodie bag. A collection of news, updates and tidbits from the week.

Ninja Squad
3 min readNov 27, 2022

Our newsletter is designed to keep you in the loop with what’s hot and what’s not in the web3 space. It keeps you informed about everything from new NFTs, collabs, market stats, web3 news and much more!

This week’s agenda includes the following ⤵️

  • Twitter’s Blue check is not blue anymore
  • MagicEden and Polygon collaboration
  • Renault’s Industrial Metaverse
  • J.P Morgan’s trademark application
  • Ninja Squad Updates

Twitter’s Blue check is not blue anymore

Elon Musk recently tweeted that he was thinking adding another color for brands to distinguish them from individuals. On the 25th, he explained it further:

Several colors are on the table for the different types of accounts such as companies, governments, and individuals.

He also stated that all verified individuals will have same blue check. Individuals can have secondary tiny logo showing they belong to an org if verified as such by that organisation.

MagicEden and Polygon collaboration

After Solana and Ethereum, Polygon will be the third blockchain embraced by Magic Eden. By the end of 2022, the forthcoming integration will initially offer creators with MATIC-native tools, such as the launchpad and the marketplace for exchanging MATIC-fueled assets.

MagicEden aim to onboard more global brands and new users into NFTs, and bring web3 games to the masses.

Renault’s Industrial Metaverse

Renault Group is introducing the first industrial Metaverse.

What exactly is an “industrial metaverse”?

90% of supply flows are continuously monitored, 100% of supply chain data is stored in the Renault Group Metaverse, a true replica of the physical world that is managed in real time, and 100% of production lines are connected.

“The Metaverse provides real-time supervision that increases the agility and adaptability of industrial operations as well as the quality of production and the Supply Chain. Renault Group is becoming a pioneer in the sector.” — Jose Vicente de los Mozos

Since the implementation of Industry 4.0 in 2016, savings of €780 million have already been made thanks to digital technology. It will enable €320 million in total savings by 2025, to which €260 million in inventory savings will be added.

J.P. Morgan’s trademark application

J.P. MORGAN WALLET is a registered trademark for the following services:
- Virtual checking, virtual currency transfer, virtual exchange, crypto payment processing, and financial services.

Ninja Squad Updates

The dojo is getting crowded each and everyday! Let’s see the below statistics for the last 30 days.

  • Total volume: 2468 ETH
  • Floor price: 0.25 ETH
  • Owners: 3537
  • We’re also getting ready for Christmas! 🎅 🎄 Here’s our special traits. Grab your fav trait and suit your ninja.



Ninja Squad

Ninjas roaming through the Ethereum blockchain & metaverse. Join us as we grow into the largest crypto & NFT community.